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aku skrg aktif lyn variety show korea...mulanye runningman...pas2 family outing (2pn tgk episod yg de artis yg d'kenali je) & skrg ni aku stat tgk yg len lak...Girl's Generation (SNSD) and Dangerous Boys...

Girl's Generation and Dangerous Boys

show ni cube mmulihkn pelajar yg bmsalah cth merokok, kaki minum, ponteng sekolah, gaduh...5 org pelajar tlh d'pilih utk show ni... SNSD dlm show ni d'jdkn mentor utk ubah idup mereka kearah yg lebih b'matlamat...

stiap sorg dpt 2 mentor kcuali seorg dpt seorg je mentor sbb SNSD de 9org ahli je..SNSD hnye bsme diorg ble de aktiviti bsme mentor..diorg jga dpt enset sorg 1..siap de no ahli SNSD lg..yg ni pilng aku jeles...diorg siap msg2 SNSD lg ble bosan..damn! aku jeles sgt.....spnjg show..diorg idup de undang2...xleh merokok, xleh minum arak, mencarut n lg 1 aku xingt ape die..tp diorg xikut pn...


Dangerous boy #1:  Hwang Yonghyun, 19 (oldest)
Nickname: Hwang Ganji
Mentors: Hyoyeon and Yoona
City: Seoul
Year level at highschool:  2nd Grade (Korean System)

paling tua & degil...die ske hyo yeon...slmt yoona aku..ngeh3..xske bapak die..slalu mabuk..

Dangerous boy #2: Park Kyungkyu, 18
Mentors: Sooyoung and Tiffany
City: Busan

dh b'henti sekolah...ibu bapa bcerai..bnci sgt kn ibu bapa die...penah pukul org..bwa keta curi...


Dangerous boy #3: Kim Seonghwan, 18
Mentor: Sunny
City: Kyunggi
Year level at highschool: 2nd Grade (Korean System)

pling baik dlm 5org..pling tggi...bbakat dlm rap...degil...xpenah blajar dlm kelas..tido jek...leader bg group dangerous boys..


Dangerous boy #4: Kim Hui Hoon/Hwehoon, 17 (Maknae)
Mentors: Taeyeon and Seohyun
City: Kyungnam Geochang
Year level at highschool: 1st Grade (Korean System)

pling muda@maknae..senyap...pling ske mcarut..bcita2 nk jd president...


Dangerous boy #5: Gu Ji Soo, 18
Mentors: Yuri and Jessica
City: GwangJu
Year level at highschool: Grade 2 (Korean System)

bbakat dlm nyanyian..slalu mungkiri janji..mminati yuri..d'plih oleh jessica krn rupanya...

NOTA KECIK : aku jeles giler dgn diorg..dpt adiah dri SNSD time New Year tp diorg xikut pn rule yg SNSD bg..klu aku la..aku akn sntiase gmbirakn SNSD je..wat je ape yg d'suruh....hehe..


Anonymous said...

so konklusinye, jadilah jahat fi... mana la taw ada artis kt Malaysia ni amik ko jd mentor dia ke. Fauziah nawi pon jd lah..

FaiZaH Fyn said...

Super Junior tak nak buat camni ke? sekarang jugak aku pegi rompak bank kalau diorang buat hahaha